Family Support Network

Help us continue to break down barriers and build community

With your support we can continue supporting, organizing and advocating to a build justice system that serve our communities, instead of harming them.

Make a

FSN is fiscally sponsored by Fusion Partnerships.
Fusion Partnerships, Inc.
1601 Guilford Avenue 2 South
Baltimore, MD 21202

Tax-Deductible Donation
We use PayPal to collect donations but you do not need a PayPal account to donate.

FSN Annual
Commissary Fundraiser

Every year, FSN organizes a fundraiser to provide deposits in the commissary accounts of people serving lengthy sentences.  We know firsthand that it is virtually impossible to survive in prison without funds, as well as the enormous financial burdens this creates for families.  To learn more about past fundraisers and how to support our next one, please get in touch!

2022 Commissary Fundraiser Coming soon! 

2021 ‘Black Prison Workers Matter’ 
Commissary Fundraiser
We gave $50 commissary deposits to 75 prison workers in Maryland Institutions.

2020 ‘Black Lifers Matter’
Commissary Fundraiser
We gave $50 commissary deposits to 36 people at the Maryland Institution. Thank you for your help.